Springboarding to Success: Ursamin’s Venture with Female Innovators

https://youtu.be/6JV8bTPFKQE Shannon’s journey is a testament to the power of community and mentorship in overcoming the hurdles women founders face. With less than 3% of VC funding going to women-led ventures, the need for initiatives like Springboard is more pressing than ever. Through specialized paths and small cohort-based support, Springboard Enterprises not only aids women […]
[Whitepaper] Improving Care for Complex Patients Through Data-Driven Care Coordination

In response to the growing prevalence of multiple chronic conditions (MCCs), this document addresses the challenges in care coordination and proposes a patient-centric approach to improve the
management of MCCs.
Ursamin Joins 2024 Project Healthcare Cohort

Ursamin, a healthcare tech leader in chronic disease care coordination, is proud to join the 2024 Project Healthcare Cohort at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center (NEC).
Project Healthcare: A Hub for Healthcare Startups

In the latest episode of Unlimited Access broadcasting from Nashville, Shannon shares her firsthand experiences at the kickoff of Project Healthcare, an innovative hub for healthcare startups. Collaboration Among Startups One of the episode’s highlights is the emphasis on the unique collaboration among different startups. Shannon speaks about the synergistic relationships formed between companies, each […]
Unique Challenges in Pediatric Healthcare: Insights from Dr. Laura Cardello on Unlimited Access

In this Unlimited Access episode, Dr. Laura Cardello shares personal stories on the unique challenges and triumphs in pediatric care – and how technology plays a critical role navigating care.
Why HIPAA Compliance Matters in Healthcare Technology

HIPAA compliance is vital in protecting patient privacy. Staying updated with HIPAA regulations is essential for health tech companies.
Podcast: Ursamin CEO Shannon Aylesworth Unveils the Future of Care Coordination

Ursamin’s visionary founder and CEO, Shannon Aylesworth was featured on an episode of the Healthcare Shares Podcast. In a candid conversation, Shannon shared her personal journey that led to the creation of Ursamin, a care coordination platform (CCP™), that is turning more heads among those trying to navigate chronic disease management.
Podcast: A Journey of Resilience with Ursamin’s Shannon Aylesworth

In a recent episode on Makers Bar, Shannon Aylesworth, Founder and CEO of Ursamin, discusses her experience and her “why” for creating the Ursamin care coordination platform (CCP™) for patients with multiple complex diseases.
Improving Revenue and Patient Outcomes through a Care Coordination Platform (CCP™)

Care coordination involves the seamless collaboration and communication among healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers to drive patient-centered care. This means the enablement of information sharing and shared decision-making with a goal of preventing errors, reducing costs, and enhancing outcomes.
The Principles of Ursamin: Empowering You with Choice, Control, and Trust

Hello, everyone. This is Shannon Aylesworth from Ursamin, a company founded with a simple premise: Empower individuals to make better health decisions by giving them access to their medical information in one easy-to-use app. When people are given control over their health information, the outcomes naturally improve. Access or Management? The concept of access is […]